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Posts about Maine

Doctors Without Borders Recap

The Annual Maine Doctors Without Borders Fundraising Evening was a great success! Our firm and our committee feel very proud to have been able to share the important lifesaving mission of Doctors Without Borders within our community. Thank you to all our important donors and attendees, you made the evening an engaging, meaningful and enjoyable experience. It was a really wonderful night, and your contributions make a real difference to the lives of so many. We also want to thank our guest speaker, Tim Harrison, who offered a thoughtful, riveting, and eye-opening presentation about his first-hand experience in extremely challenging medical situations in South Sudan and the Mediterranean. He is a real hero.

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Why Choose Maine for College and Career?

The current cost of a four-year private college is $45,370, according to the College Board. Even an associate’s degree can be expensive, averaging $11,580. Now for the good news: For those students who attend college in Maine, there are some great financial incentives to cover college education costs. Two of these are the NextGen College Investing Plan and the Opportunity Maine Tax Credit. This blog post covers the highlights of these two plans. For more specific information to see if you or your child qualifies, visit the appropriate website.

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Start Your Dream Retirement Planning In Portland, Maine

Planning for retirementis about more than budgets and logistics. Finding the ideal retirement location to fit your dream lifestyle is important, too. You want a city that provides your ideal lifestyle, without breaking your retirement budget.

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