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Posts about Retirement Plan

Planning for the Costs of Dementia & Long Term Elderly Care

Dementia is a grave condition, and its prevalence continues to grow at a staggering pace. In fact, dementia has been dubbed by some as the "silent epidemic." According to Forbes, the number of people worldwide with dementia has been steadily climbing and is expected to double every 20 years. An estimated 75 million people will be living with this disease by 2030, and the number will most likely climb to 135 million by 2050. This increase in the incidence of dementia is largely attributed to longer lifespans in both poor and rich areas of the world. 

As dementia becomes more and more widespread, everyone must learn to recognize the warning signs and plan for caregiving. By making important medical and financial decisions in advance, families can ensure the long-term well-being of their loved ones.

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How to Assemble The Right Team of Trusted Advisors

Having a team of skilled and knowledgeable business professionals is one of the best ways to protect your family’s wealth. However, assembling the right team can be a challenge. Members of this team should not only have unique abilities and varied areas of expertise, but they must also be reliable and trustworthy. So how do you build this team? Just follow the steps below to create your very own super group of advisors!

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Why Market Timing is not a Smart Investment Strategy

“Buy low, sell high.”

It’s every investor’s dream to make a profit on their portfolio by timing the buying and selling of equities at just the right period in order to make a considerable profit. Perhaps it’s based on the current activity of a stock or asset, market news, or economic indicators. Whatever the motivation, timing the market means you are trying to predict that you will do better economically over the long term based on short-term indicators if you move in and out of the stock market or change your asset mix.

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Annuities: Responding to the Critics

From Legendary Financial Advisor, and Thought Leaders, Randall and Neal Richard of Richard Brothers, Financial Advisors:

Annuities are a popular option among investors, but some financial firms are critical of these products. Ken Fisher of Fisher Investments, for example, offers harsh criticism of the annuity industry as a whole. He compares annuities to Ponzi schemes, suggesting  that they offer promises that are too good to be true in order to get naive investors to make a purchase. He also accuses annuity salespeople of using unscrupulous tactics to manipulate clients and pad their commission.

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Should You Take Social Security Now or Later?

You’ve been paying into Social Security for years, and now you’re eligible to apply for benefits. Should you apply to receive your Social Security income immediately? Or should you wait and receive larger payments?

It’s a good question, and the answer depends on a lot of individualized factors. Here are a few:

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